Jonathon Hyjek

Digital Marketing // Small Business // Website Monetization


Who is Jonathon Hyjek?

Writing a Bio is hard. Who likes writing about themselves?

Where do I start?

It really began in August 1978, but you’re not likely interested in that! Obviously, my name is Jonathon. I’m a guy in my early 40’s who was born with Spina Bifida. I write about that part of my life through my blog and YouTube Channel.

At 21 years old I took one of my bigger risks and I bought a small town grocery store, with no experience. Honest…I wrote about the grocery store here.

While it didn’t work out the way that I thought it would, it was the best learning experience of my life thus far. After that, I went on to work in financial services for a number of years, as well as for a non-profit in donor development.

In 2011 I started a digital marketing company called Blake Strategies Group, but I also own a few other companies and websites that help diversify my income and time.

I recently started another venture called Active Mobility Solutions to showcase innovative mobility products and I’m fairly excited about this business.

I coach new or prospective business owners, looking for guidance to navigate their first few years in business.

That’s the short version of the story – I’d love to tell you the longer version, but who’s got that kind of time?

      • I eat, sleep & breathe business, marketing & investing.
      • I invest in companies that need help growing.
      • I see opportunities everywhere.
      • I find solutions to your business problems.


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